my mood tonight, but it's actually going to be a serious post
I usually don' write much here, I let the pictures talk, but I feel like I have to write a few words. 2013 is over in a few hours. It's been a crazy year for me, with so many changes. When I think about where I was a year ago and all I've accomplished in a year, I'm really thankful for everything. I've found a job, I've met true friends, I've played a lot of roller derby and I've tried to enjoy every second. I'm definitly a different person than the one I was a year ago.
It was also a year of deep reflexion. I had the time to think about my life, my values and my goals and 2014 will be the years of choices. It's like I've let things happen to me for a while, and now I'm going to do what I really want. You'll know more about it soon. On my to-do-in-2014 list, you'll find: travelling more, moving somewhere, finding a new job. I'm thrilled, excited and scared, and it feels good.
That was the diary-post of the year, but that's what blogs are about, no?
I wish you all an happy new year ♥